Monday, December 21, 2009

WELP that's a thing I guess.

So after days like today I like to write about it just to keep things in perspective and kind of rant about it.

First I woke up a little later than usual, which isn't that surprising or bad, except what woke me up was shadow dry heaving and me fearful that he was going to throw up again.

For those late to the show, let me back things up a bit.

On Friday night, Shadow ate three justaburgers that Anthony had bought. All the humans were in Sean Hardaway's room at the time watching the captured footage from the day's filming when it happened, so none of us noticed or tried to stop him. It was late when this happened and I had to be back here at 11am anyway so I just slept over with shadow here. The next day, Saturday happens and that night shadow barfs something horrible on Sean Hardaway's couch. I clean it up and apologize for him and then take him for a walk. The whole time he's walking he keeps stretching out at random times. At the end of the walk he throws up a little bit again. We come back into the apartment and go to bed. This brings us back to our starting point, today when I woke up to shadow dry heaving.

Shadow is dry heaving and I'm worried that he's going to throw up on McCoy's futon, or worse, on me (take that sean!) and try to stop him. Luckily he does nothing, and a few minutes later jumps off the futon and goes somewhere else. I wake up again about an hour later to the sound of him actually throwing up in the next room over. So he barfs on the carpet and a little bit on my shirt that was on the ground (he had been sleeping on it, you see) so I go to work to clean it up.

At this point shadow has basically started his day long passing out session on Hardaway's couch. I leave him there to go back to San Marcos to get not only shadow's items but also things I'll need for my trip to Dallas. This takes about 2 hours total, so add that to the 3ish hours from before I left and shadow has just been chilling on Hardaway's couch for quite some time now. I get back here and decide that Shadow obviously needs a walk, seeing as he hasn't had a chance to even pee today. I take him out and around the corner, maybe 70 yards away from the apartment before he indicates that he's ready to go back. On the way back to the apartment he stops walking, sits down, and as I pet him a little bit he lays down. After giving him a minute I get him to stand up again and keep walking back to the apartment. Unfortunatly, he only got about 5 feet before he just stopped, stretched and lay back down again. At this point I'm a little worried and pick him up and carry him back most of the way.

Once we get back in, Shadow drinks some water and goes strait back to Hardaway's couch. He chills there for a while and eventually throws up on it again. At this point I see a theme happening and get my comforter and lay it down on the couch in case he throws up again. A few hours later, he sure enough does.

Now the interesting thing to me happened right about here. I thought that shadow must be thirsty after throwing up so many times. I brought Shadow's water dish over to him, and shadow tried to get away from it. Every time I offered him water, he would go away from it. His desire to get away from the water dish is so strong, he actually goes into the other room when I offer it again. This is the most he's moved under his own power in several hours.

In the main room, shadow keeps sleeping until he has a seizure and pees on the couch. After that he does his normal routine of walking around half blind because he just had a seizure.

That pretty much brings us to now. I got back from buying more paper towels and doughnuts for the guys not too long ago, and shadow is on the living room couch on top of my comforter which I have to wash tomorrow before I go along with other things thrown up on. I'm going to try and get some sleep so I can maybe transport shadow to dallas where he can throw up in exciting new places.

This is why I don't want kids.