Saturday, April 21, 2007

Some insomnia

Its 4:20 am when I sit down to write this. The reason i'm writing so late is that i'm just now getting back from a party at sean McCoy's place. And by getting back, i mean going to nick's place right next door. It was a pretty fun party, good music and some all around merryment. I discovered the joy that is Kahlua, its like liquid candy.

The main entertainment of the night was aparently Nick's ability to get really drunk really quickly. It was kind of sad after a while to watch my best friend offer to fight everyone and constantly have to repeat everything to him.

But then again we where with a bunch of college girls who's sole mission tonight was to get drunk and have everyone around them be just as drunk as they were.

I've always had a little problem with that mentallity, as to me if you're going to enjoy some liqure, it should be for the apprichiation of the beverage itsself. However, people will suck down a bottle of anything if you tell them it'll get them wasted. I've gotten more and more used to it, to the point where I don't really look down on it anymore, but it still just seems like a weird ritual for people to partake in.

I also find myself sometimes envious of the ability to just knock back a few shots of whatever is put infront of a person without any thought as to what it even is. While drinking my drinks tonight, I knew that I needed to moderate it and take it slowly because otherwise I might get just as drunk as nick was. However, thats just the problem though, I've never been drunk and as far as everyone in america is concerned, i've never actually lived.

And the thing is, i hate to say it, but for the most part I can't stand the taste of most drinks with alchohol in them. But I already don't like rootbeer and simply detest the taste of mint, both of which people can hardly belive when I tell them. I despretly do not want to be the guy who hates mint, rootbeer AND liqure and is constnaly refusing drinks offered to him because he's just a picky drinker. Theres also the possability of being the constant designated driver, thus having to deal with the drunk asses of all my friends and the responcability of making sure they find their way to a bed that night.

Anyway, those are just some thoughts on the subject of drinking that came to me when I listed to nick puke in the bathroom just a few minutes ago. We have to be up and at a place by 10 am to talk to the director of Snakes on a Plane. This is going to be a looooong saturday.

wait! ooh good news though, we rented season 1 disk 1 of the new Battlestar Galactiga, so heres hoping for some good entertainment tomarrow


Mischa said...

I've never been drunk, and I've never had a full drink of alcohol, with perhaps less than ten tastes of alcoholic beverages in my life.

I don't mind being the designated driver, I just don't like to drive.

Sean McCoy said...

I used to be very involved in your pov on alcohol. In fact, last year, I hated it when people got drunk and fell down all around me while I sat up and made sure no one died, etc. The only thing that has changed since then is that I've found a group of people and a place where I live where I can enjoy myself and can over some form of sanctuary. There's nothing wrong, to me at least, with someone enjoying their drink-- it makes you feel good-- and at least having a place to do it in where you are going to get home safely, and you are going to enjoy your friends' company. In fact, I'm glad I'm able to offer that place. And I hope you don't feel that the girls were over strictly to drink-- quite the opposite, in fact, no one had drank a drop (accept for maybe Hardaway) before you or Nick ever arrived. The girls were there for company, and for fun, and I believe kept their drinking in moderation. Sometimes people are just stressed. I don't know.

Unknown said...

Dear me from 2007,

Get over it. Drinking with your friends is fun. Also, dump april before she dumps you, start working out, get a job, and bang a bunch of hot college chicks while you can.