These are some things I did on the Graffiti application on facebook. I like them so i thought I'd post 'em here.

This one I did on Sean's wall as an apology for not noticing the invitation to a party until last night. I liked it and decided to do more.

This is the first of the stick figure type drawings I did. I like how it turned out, 1/3 simple 2/3 adorable.

This is my green lantern one. I was watching Justice League on Tvlinks at the time i drew these. I like it in concept but am disappointed with the head and the text, so I might try it again later.

This one is my favorite out of all of them. Its mostly from 2 sources, the first being
Adam Strange and the second one being
I am a rocket builder. I like how it turned out the best, both in concept and artistic skippidy do. I really like the stick figure/floating arm thing going on, and I think I might experiment more with it to try and use it in my web-comic. I know its been done before, and better, but I still like it and might try to utilize it. I would change the flag if I did it again though, something more like the American flag but with the planet Earth where the stars go.

This is the next one of the I AM a space explorer series. I don't like this one as much just due to some of the sloppy parts in it, but I think its still good all things considered. I would probably put something else where the I do what others cannot text is next time, I'm not sure if that would make it too crowded though.
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