Monday, February 23, 2009

Dead heroes

Man, so apparently Bruce Wayne is really dead. I can't actually find anything that shows this when I search for it on google, which annoys me. I'd heard the rumor for a few months, but he hasn't actually showed up since late last year. Part of me wants to care that they actually killed off one of the most iconic characters of the last 70 years, but really I just know in the back of my head that he'll be back any time between the next one and ten years.

The problem with comic book character deaths is simply that they never stay dead. Eventually they'll either will themselves back into being, like Superman did or maybe some magical thing will happen to make them alive again like Green Arrow AND Lantern or sometimes they were never really dead to start with like Bucky.

From what I understand most, if not all of the Batman lines of comics are going to come to a close and merge into just one continuing issue. This seems to confirm that he is, in fact, dead dispite not seeing the body or anything.

I have mixed feeling on the idea of Batman being dead. Batman just seemed like the one hero you could never actually kill, mostly because there just is no good way to do it. Every other time there was an explosion that he couldn't have escaped from, he did because he saw the bomb or knew that the guy would probably have set a trap. To me it just seems like you would have to do better than a mere explosion to actually kill off Batman.

So that got me thinking about what would actually be a good and fitting death for The Bat-Man. My frist thought was to have The Joker kill him, but I dismissed that because it would just be way too depressing and you just can't let The Joker win like that. So what about just some random thug? Maybe, depending on the situation. Should Rocko, the guy breaking into a jewelry store just get a lucky shot? No, definitly not, Batman can't just die because he rolled a 1. So I was thinking a kid should do it.

Think about it. Batman breaks up a bunch of hoods on a drug deal, or something like that. The only one left is the gang's 11 year old look out/initiate who either gets scared or maybe even knows what he's doing and shoots Batman in the back. I'd have Batman disarm the kid and probably convince him to walk a better path before he ends up like his thug companions before letting the kid go. After that he would just slump over in an allyway somewhere, dieing in the same setting that gave birth to him when his parents died the same way. It's the only thing I could ever accept for a fitting death to Bruce Wayne as The Batman.

And then of course he would have to stay dead, which would be difficult. I think one of the only iconic heroes to actually stay dead is Barry Allen and some of the origonal Golden Age heroes who were eventually replaced by someone else like all the other Flashes or Blue Beatles.

Whatever, Steve Rodgers and Bruce Wayne will certainly come back one way or another. Maybe it'll be a perfect clone, or something dealing with magic or most likely not being dead to start with (fucking Bucky, man.) but they'll all be back. Barry Allen too probably.

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