If my life were a Cathy comic, right now I'd be saying "APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS AAACK!"
No, but seriously it's a tough call. I got a call back today from the real estate agent of a condo for rent literally next door to where I live right now. It's a 2 bed/2bath with washer and dryer and all the basic appliances in the unit. The owners are asking 1,000 a month, but that part is negotiable and the person I spoke to said the owners were more concerned with people who will take care of the place moving in. I'm not exactly a clean person, but so far I've been changing a lot and I know I can keep that place looking nice if set my mind to it. I've also shared this information with one of my current roommates, Matt, because he's clean, quiet and shares my distaste for Sanctuary Lofts.

The down side though, it's in San Marcos. I could, maybe, graduate as early as this summer if I wanted to. I'll most likely graduate in December though, meaning I could be working 9-5 Monday- Friday as early as January of diggity 10. It would really be a son of a bitch to drive 60 miles a day for work, plus if I go into Austin on the weekends to hang with my friends, which I usually do. The only real silver lining of that is it would only have to last me until August, assuming I don't just sublease once my time in San Marcos is up.
My other option is to try and find a place in Austin. The advantages to this would be under the assumption that I would be working/interning much more than going to school during my last semester. It would also allow my brother to live with me over the summer while he does some "hippie liberal law thing" as Mom puts it. Any advantage of location would just depend on where the place is.
The downside to this though, is I don't have anyone I can really room with in the Austin area.
Maybe Nick Reed will come back, but he would need to line a job up first and the way the job market is right now, it's a much safer bet for him to ride things out at home with a job he already has.
Nick Grant might come back and need a place to live, but he also might make a documentory in New York.
My other option would be to just put out ads looking for a roommate, which I'm not too crazy about, or live alone which I would equally not look forword to. I don't like living alone, because I end up just sitting at my computer all day. When I'm with others I at least have someone to watch some Tv with and talk to.
The main disadvantage of the Austin option is that it assumes a lot. It assumes I'll be working/interning more than going to school, which already is not really true. I already take (mainly) Tuesday/Thursday classes and intern M-W-F. The only way for me to work there more would be to actually stay there longer than the 8 hours I already do. It also assumes that I'll be working in Austin after I graduate, which I have no guarantee. The economy might still be in the crapper and I'll be working retaile while considering grad school/the army, or I might teach overseas or even just get a job in another state. All things considered the liklyhood of me actually working in Austin at BookPros is kind of slim.
Really it's a decision between what would be helpful and enjoyable now, which is San Marcos, vs. what would be helpful and enjoyable in the long run, which is Austin.
Right now, what I want is the San Marcos option. It's easy for me to do on my own, it keeps me in an area I really like and will make finishing school easier, which has to be my top priority. I don't care if I end up having to move back in with Mom and Dad, I need to get out of school.
Something is telling me though that what I should do is the Austin option. It helps my brother out, which I would like to do but should definitely not loose sleep over if I can't. It also puts me in a better position for working after I'm out of school.
I think an important factor is going to to be looking at the condo and seeing if it's a piece of shit or not.
in lighter news one of my sketches got filmed
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