Sunday, March 1, 2009

That's me in the corner

Let me tell you about the last couple of hours. I was cleaning some pots and pans that I had used previously and decided that I should go get gas before tomorrow so that I won't have to on the way to or from the internship tomorrow. After that I thought it might be a good idea to stop at the grocery store for a few things while I was out anyway.

I went to the cereal isle and stood there for a few minutes thinking about what to get. I noticed though, that I was on the far right side of the isle.... at all the cereals intended for grown ups. There was not a cartoon character or offer of a prize or anything fun in sight. All I could see were eye catching fonts advertising the fiber content and how much more wheat and vitamins this brand has over the other. I was surprised to find myself here and scooted down to the kids cereals, the cereals of my youth. As I gazed upon the familiar faces of Captain Crunch and that Cheerios Honey Bee I realized that I really just did not want any of these cereals. I remembered how the last time I ate most of these the sugar made bits dissolve in my mouth and I had to have maybe two bowls to really fill up.

I'm all over this shit.

So after I bought a box of Rasin Bran I went home and thought to myself that I should make my lunch tonight in preparation to tomorrow. This part is not what really got to me, but more what I decided to make for lunch which made me kind of cringe. I made a tuna sandwhich and a salad. It's healthy, and actually quite tasty.


I think I'm maturing, growing older, putting away childish things. I haven't watched a cartoon in years. I hardly play video games any more. I'm looking forward to the idea of getting a good job and saving up for my future.

God I hope the G.I. Joe movie is good. I need to be able to say "let's watch some G.I. Joe" again.

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